The Blue Max Bulge - A Quarterly Newsletter

March 2025

Blue Max Turns 50!

Fifty years of history with Blue Max is an exciting milestone! We are honored to preserve the club’s history and continue the leather traditions.

Blue Max will be celebrating the 50th anniversary during out March Club night at Bastille. Please come out and show your support!

In September, Blue Max is putting on the Solid Gold Leather Run where we will welcome our leather brothers and sisters to St. Louis for a weekend of friendship and fun!

We are proud to host the fall MACC meeting where leather clubs from around the midwest collaborate on shared interests.

The Disco Divas bar crawl and entertainment provided by Blue Max club members will add to an unforgettable weekend!



The significance of 50 years to me means seeing / understanding the ways the leather community has evolved over time, and what that looks like in terms of how the club functions and operates. It means new traditions; new generations of leather men learning where we come from and what we stand for, and what it means to be in leather. 50 years to me shows that despite the community changing so much, we still stand as a place where both Old and New Guard can mix and share ideas, traditions, and culture.

~ Dillon S.