Friendship Pin


The Blue Max friendship pin features a blue enameled Maltese cross, similar to the design of the historical Pour le Mérite military award, also known as the “Blue Max.”

  • Friendship pins are typically given to individuals by someone affiliated with a club, event, or title holder. These pins symbolize that a member of a club or organization believes you deserve the honor of wearing their friendship pin. One tradition involves the giver placing the pin on the front of the receiver’s jeans. After that day or evening, the pin is moved to the vest.
  • Members of a club are encouraged to introduce themselves whenever they see their club’s pin on someone’s vest. It’s common courtesy to introduce yourself as a member of the club, as a fellow club member gave this person the honor of wearing the pin.
  • Receiving a pin is usually considered an honor, so it’s improper etiquette to ask for a friendship pin. It is always given as an act of friendship.