Blue Max Turns 50!

Join the Celebration

Solid Gold Leather Run

September 19 - 21, 2025

Join Blue Max for our celebration of 50 years. Our Solid Gold theme is inspired by the club’s golden anniversary and the groovy entertainment. 

Blue Max welcomes clubs and individuals to boogie on down to St. Louis, MO to get the skinny of the club’s long history. It’s going to be a radical time with good vibes all around. 

Blue Max is once again partnering with Forest Park Hotel to provide attendees an unforgettable experience.

Please be sure to book your accommodations Here

Hotel Location

Additional Information

The Solid Gold Leather Run fee includes entertainment, meals, and cocktails for the weekend. 

Hotel Accommodations are purchased separately. Rooms will be blocked together by booking directly through Forest Park Hotel. 

If you have any questions, please Contact Blue Max for details.

Host a Cocktail Party